Security/Privacy Policy

Security Integrity Confidentiality

Federation Bank has established the following privacy practices to maintain the security, integrity, and confidentiality of your nonpublic personal information.

The type of information we collect.
We routinely collect and retain the information we obtain from your account applications, transactions history, and from consumer reports. This information helps us to establish and administer your accounts and to satisfy certain regulatory requirements.

How is that information protected?
Access to your nonpublic information is limited to employees with specific business reasons for utilizing this data. Our employees are educated about the importance of maintaining confidentiality and customer privacy. If necessary, we take appropriate disciplinary steps to enforce our employees' responsibility to protect your personal information. In order to prevent unauthorized access to your information, we maintain security standards, and procedures that conform with industry practices. These security standards and procedures are routinely tested to verify the integrity of our systems.
While some procedures are required by federal or state law, we also have procedures for responding to requests to correct inaccurate information in a timely manner, and to update and remove old information. Customers should notify us immediately at Federation Bank, 102 E. Main St., Washington, IA 52353, 319-653-7256, if they receive information regarding their relationship with us that they believe to be inaccurate.

Online Consumer Privacy Policy

Federation Bank recognizes and respects our responsibility to protect our customers’ private information. This statement applies to individuals who obtain financial products or services primarily for personal, family or household purposes. Federation Bank does not intend to collect information from children. A section titled “Protecting Children” can be found in the eleventh paragraph of this policy. Federation Bank reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

Our Collection, Use, and Retention of Customer Information.
We collect, use, and retain information about our customers only where we reasonably believe it would be useful in administering our business, and providing products, services, and other opportunities to our customers. We collect and retain information we receive from applications or other forms; information from transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; and information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. We use information to protect and administer our customers’ records, accounts, and funds; to comply with certain laws and regulations, to help design or improve our products and services, and to understand our customer’s financial needs and provide our customers with quality products and outstanding service. If we receive e-mail, we may retain the content of the e-mail and the e-mail address in order to respond to questions or concerns that may have been expressed.

Our Maintenance of Accurate Information.
We have implemented procedures to help assure that our customers’ financial information is accurate, current, and complete in accordance with commercially reasonable standards. While some procedures are required by federal or state law, we also have procedures for responding to requests to correct inaccurate information in a timely manner, and to update information and remove old information. Customers should notify us immediately at Federation Bank, 102 E Main St, Washington, IA 52353, 319-653-7256, or email, if they receive information regarding their relationship with us that they believe to be inaccurate. Customers should, however, keep in mind that e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception. If you do not agree with the use of this information, or are not comfortable with the level of privacy, please cancel an e-mail before it is sent.

Limited Employee Access to Information.
We have procedures and security levels that limit employee access to personally identifiable information to those with a business reason to know such information. The importance of confidentiality and customer privacy is addressed through ongoing employee training. Appropriate disciplinary measures are taken to enforce employee responsibilities.

Restrictions on the Disclosures of Account Information.
We do not reveal specific information about our customers’ accounts or other nonpublic information unless (1) our customer has requested or authorized it; (2) the information is provided to help complete a transaction initiated by our customer; (3) the information is provided to a reputable credit bureau or similar information reporting agency; or (4) disclosure is lawfully permitted or required.
Except as described above, we do not share our current or previous customers’ nonpublic personal information with affiliates or nonaffiliated third parties except as permitted or required by law.

Maintaining Customer Privacy in Business Relationships with Outside Parties.
At times it is necessary to provide nonpublic personal information about our customers to a third party, such as a vendor or service company we hire to provide support or services for one or more of our products. These vendors and service companies agree to safeguard our confidential customer information and must abide by applicable law.

Our Internet Web Site.
Visitors to the Federation Bank Web site remain anonymous. We do not collect personal identifying information about site users, unless you choose to provide such information to use. Standard software is used to collect and store ONLY the following non-identifying information about our visitors: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example, , if you are connecting from an American Online account, or if you are connecting from Iowa State University’s domain.); the date and time you access our site; and the IP address of the Web site from which you linked directly to our site. This information is used solely in the aggregate to analyze site traffic. The URL of a referring Web page may also be logged for the same purpose. Visitors may elect to provide us with personal information via e-mail. This information is used internally, as appropriate, to handle the sender’s request and manage the Federation Bank web site. It is not disseminated or sold to other organizations. Visitors should, however, keep in mind that e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception. If you do not agree with the use of this information, or are not comfortable with the level of privacy, please cancel an e-mail before it is sent. Visitors should call us directly at 319-653-7256 if requests or statements include sensitive or private information, such as your account numbers, credit card numbers or social security number. Federation Bank will NEVER ask you for your Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your Federation Bank ATM card or Federation Bank ShazamChek card. If you are asked for this information, please call 319-653-7256 and report it to a customer service representative immediately.

Ensuring Your Privacy and Security During your Online Banking Sessions.
The information you provide to us during your online banking sessions is protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL technology). This technology scrambles your account information as it moves between your PC’s browser and Federation Bank’s computer systems. This secure session helps protect the confidentiality of your information when you bank with us online. Temporary cookies are placed on your computer during your online banking session. Only two cookies are stored on your computer while you are using WebBank. These are for our use to determine your Internet Protocol number (IP number), the time you logged in, and give you a unique login access number for that session. This is for our information to track improper use, or attempted "hacking" of the WebBank system. These cookies are removed when you log out of the online banking session.

Protecting Children.
Federation Bank does not knowingly collect or use personal information from children under age 13 without obtaining verifiable consent from their parents. Should a child whom we know to be under 13 send personal information to us, we will use that information only to respond directly on a one-time basis to a specific request from the child, use for the sole purpose of obtaining parental consent, or provide parental notice. We are not responsible for the data collection and use practices of nonaffiliated third parties to which our web site may link.

Links to NON-Federation Bank Sites.
We are not responsible for the information collection practices of the non-Federation Bank links you click from our Web pages. We cannot guarantee how these third parties use cookies or whether they place on your computer cookies that may identify you personally. We urge you to review the privacy policies of each of the linked Web sites you visit - before you provide them with any personally identifiable information.
Federation Bank is committed to protecting your privacy!

Customer Information Security Notice

Federation Bank keeps up-to-date on the latest threats and virus’s that pose any risk to your personal sensitive information. Our Internet Banking product, "WebBank", along with your information stored at our location are part of our ongoing risk assessment process.
Whenever a new vulnerability that could compromise our computer system is found (I.E. new virus, new Windows patches and updates, our Bank software updates, and even when an employee changes their day to day duties) we go beyond the extra mile to make sure your account and personal information are safe and secure.

Our WebBank product incorporates the latest SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technologies combined with 128-bit username/password encryption to insure that your personal accounts are just that - personal. This basically means that when you get to your WebBank login screen there is a program running that talks with our WebBank Server and they decide on 1 of a possible 2128 number to use to encrypt your information (Specially that would be a number with a possibility of 3,402,823,669,209,384,634,633,746,074,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different combinations!) This would be like trying to find one particular grain of sand in the Sahara Desert.
We also incorporate with your username & password a "Three strikes you're locked-out" approach. If you have locked yourself out of your WebBank account you will need to notify us by phone or email so one of our WebBank username administrators can unlock your account.

Account Deletion Requests and Associated Data

To request removal of your data from your mobile application, please send us a message using the secure message feature. Include your name, username, and your request.  Please note, that this is not a deletion of a user’s accounts within a financial institution. Rather, it applies only to account data created by the mobile app.

Our online banking vendor, Finastra, does retain data once a user is removed. Finastra archives user data deleted from the system to facilitate account recovery. The archived user data includes information that links the user to their bank or credit union account(s) and their personalized settings.  Archived user data cannot be used by Finastra to access financial accounts or other protected information. Finastra retains this archived data indefinitely for the duration of our business relationship, after which time it is permanently deleted.

Microsoft Windows Update

Federation Bank urges that everyone who uses Microsoft Windows© to check the following website on a regular basis
1. Click on "Scan for Updates" – It usually takes a minute or two to finish scanning.
2. Click on "Review and Install Updates".
3. Then click on the "Install Now" button.
4. When done it should ask you to reboot. Please do.
5. When your computer restarts you will have the latest security patches running.

Anti-Virus Software Updates

We also strongly recommend that you install and/or update your computer’s anti-virus program virus definition files (a file that has a "fingerprint" of all known computer viruses). Below are links to the most commonly used anti-virus programs, links to their update pages, and a link for a free anti-virus program as well.

Symantec (Norton) Anti-Virus
Norton Homepage
Norton Anti-Virus Definition Page

McAfee Anti-Virus
McAfee Homepage
McAfee Anti-Virus Definition Page

Grisoft AVG-Anti-Virus (free version for home use only)
Grisoft Homepage
Download AVG-Anti-Virus

Federation Bank is committed to protecting your privacy!